New Year Old Reality

4:03 PM

KThis year, I didn't feel like taking down the tree until after New Year's, and when I did, I was appalled at how naked the apartment looked. To combat the missing tree, I went all over town with a friend looking for Mardi Gras decorations, but ended up not really liking anything. I later ended up ordering some feather boas to put around the living area, some festive lights, and a wreath that was under $5!

One thing I did to start the new year off  was update my phone and computer. It hadn't been updated since 2015, so it was much needed. I also went through all the old pictures in my phone and deleted any bad shots or screenshots I didn't want anymore. It was a very therapeutic experience, and I definitely got caught up laughing at memories and sending people funny things I found.

I really enjoyed my first week of classes, and it's always nice when things start very slowly. I had time to repaint my chipped nails, go eyebrow pencil shopping at Ulta, and even got to go to the Downtown Artwalk. I've been trying to go to the Artwalk since October, but it never works out. This time, we made it, got some Mardi Gras beads and the schedule, then ended up just grabbing some drinks and burgers. We didn't have time to do anything else, but I feel like now that we made a point of going, we are more likely to go again!

This semester, I actually don't have class on Fridays, so I get to relax on Thursdays. For my first Thursday, Stafford and I watched the Extended Cut of Suicide Squad. We liked the original in theaters, but I had heard that this edition had more of the Joker in it. Unfortunately, the rumors were not true, which was somewhat disappointing. What wasn't disappointing this week was the Ed Sheeran songs that were released! I am forever obsessed with him, and I cannot wait for the rest of the album to come out. 

Getting back into the swing of school means getting back into the swing all my other responsibilities. I had to pick out our team's tennis uniforms and go to several meetings, and I also participated in initiation for Chi O for possibly the last time. After initiation, I went with some friends to get nachos and margs, and ended up going to a TKE party. It definitely made me feel old, since that's where I spent most of my weekends as a freshman and not much time since, but I know my frat parties are numbered and I did have a lot of fun. Overall, I'm very excited for my last semester and 2017 in general!

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